A Man Whose Heart is Attached to Mosque

The Importance of Righteousness in Islam

For all Muslims across the globe, the devotion that is being bestowed to the Almighty Allah (SWT) is beyond comprehension. Unlike any other religion in the world, Islam is solely based on the mode of the rewards and the punishments that can be witnessed by someone who does not intend to abide by the stringent rules that have been set by the famous messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad. Possession of the path of righteousness is one of the most mandated things that needs to be followed by every Muslim who wishes to gain the eternal blessings of Allah. The bounties and the boundaries of Jannah mostly depend on the actions that are being conducted by an individual.

Are mosques an integral part of Islam?

As a matter of fact, it is true that there is no doubt in the fact that the roles of mosques are huge when it comes to the growth of the community and the practice of the Islamic faith. It is also believed that the mosques are the house of the great benevolent Allah (SWT) where prayers are done in congregation with the association of the other fellow members. Even when you intend to perform Umrah with the best Umrah package, then also you get to feel the essence of being within the mosque.

Know more about ‘A man whose heart is attached to the mosque’

When it comes to the mode of the prayers, it is true that there is also the need to decipher the definite rate of devotion to the Lord to attain eternal blessings. In Islam, it is believed that praying can be done anywhere and everywhere. This leads to the growth of the bond between the devotee and the Lord to take place. Moreover, it is also true that this leads to the purity of the soul in all respects, which also brings us closer to the Almighty Allah (SWT).

Rewards of gaining attachment at the mosque

When you deeply associate yourself with the mosque, you automatically tend to develop an eternal connection with the Lord. Also, it leads to the attainment of certain rewards that one can perceive from the conduct of the prayers at the mosque, which are as follows:

  • Gaining the perfect blessings of the final Day of Judgment.
  • Gain protection from all the angels that are sent by the benevolent Allah (SWT).
  • Being constantly forgiven by Allah (SWT).
  • Overcome all types of social and psychological problems.
  • Get protection from the day of resurrection.
  • Keep away from the evil eye of Satan.
  • Invoke peace within yourself.
  • Get a place in heaven forever.

How can one stay connected with the mosque?

It’s true that when you pray, you do invoke much of the peace to reside within yourself and also it leads to the growth of the salvation of the soul. Staying connected with Allah is one of the best things that can be done which also leads to the removal of the sins that might be done both knowingly and unknowingly. Moreover, it is also true that there are ways in which you can stay connected with the mosque, and also brings more satisfaction to the soul for being pure towards one:

  • Develop the habit of praying five times a day.
  • Maintain a definite schedule of visiting the mosque daily.
  • Repent for your sins at the mosque.
  • When happy, always express your gratitude towards Allah (SWT).


Develop the connection with the Allah by visiting the holy place of Allah (SWT) - Mosque, more and more. Perform Ibadat more to seek mercy from the gracious Allah (SWT) to lead a life filled with happiness and contentment. Remove all your sins that you have committed this year and also establish an eternal connection with the Lord.

If you wish to know more about the practices of the Islamic religion, then do visit our blog space for more.

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