Umrah Hajj Packages from Kolkata: Why Make Proper Niyyah?

April 16, 2024

There is a difference between a ‘Tour’ and a ‘Hajj and Umrah Tour’. When we go on a journey only to spend holidays that’s a Tour but when we make a journey for the sake of the Almighty Allah (SWT) to the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, those journeys become Pilgrimage. If you are the one who is looking for such Umrah Hajj Packages from Kolkata and waiting to guided properly this blog will help you out.

What is a Niyyah? 

Niyyah is an Arabic word that has a deep connection with the Islamic concept. In Islam, the word is described as the ‘Intention’ to do something good for the sake of the Gracious Allah (SWT). Because Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also said that the deeds are the result of good Intention or Niyyah. So, in the life of a Muslim, when he or she intends to do some good deeds and thinks of it, then he or she is making the Niyyah. Allah (SWT) always seeks for good heart and good intention because, for Him, even a gentle smile is an act of good deed if it comes from the core of your heart. While going to meet Allah (SWT) through Hajj and Umrah, Niyyat is something you must make even before choosing the Hajj Umrah package for your journey.

How to Make Niyyah? 

One’s Niyyah is of utmost importance in performing a ritual but if you think that only uttering words and phrases for Niyyah is enough, then you are going the wrong way. We must understand one thing making a Niyyah is very important from the core of the Heart.   

In several Hadiths and Ayaats, we can see numerous mentions of Niyyah and Ikhlas (devotion) and they highlight how important these two things are for any good deed. For example, in Surah-al-Hajj, it is said in Ayat 37 that –

It is not their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah: it is your piety that reaches Him: He has thus made them subject to you, that ye may glorify Allah for His Guidance to you and proclaim the good news to all who do right.”

Here in Qurbani also, Allah (SWT) emphasized the intention more than the deed. So, it merely matters what package you choose on your journey. Whether you choose a luxury Umrah package or a minimum cheap package, Allah (SWT) will weigh your intention, your Sabr, and your act of kindness.

Is It Necessary to Make Niyyah Before Pilgrimage?

In Islam, Niyyah is believed to be the core of every act intended for the sake of Allah (SWT). The journeys of Hajj and Umrah are performed to seek His Barkat and Mercy. So, here also you need to make Niyyah.

In the journey, you should make Niyyah in Miqat or the nearer areas when you step towards the holy Kaaba. You should have the Niyyah till the end of the rituals.


  • Making Niyyah for Hajj: This is the Niyyah that you should recite if you are going to perform Hajj al-Ifrad or Hajj al-Tamattu.


Labbayka Ll?humma ?ajja.

All?humma inn? ur?du l-?ajj.

All?humma inn? ur?du l-?ajja fa yassirhu l? wa taqabbalhu minn?.”


“O Allah, here I am to perform Hajj.

O Allah, I intend to perform Hajj.

O Allah, I intend to perform Hajj, so make it easy for me and accept it from me.”


  • Making Niyyah for Umrah: If you are going for Umrah with cheap Umrah packages at any time of the year, you can recite this to set your Niyyah.


Labbayka Ll?humma ?Umrah.

All?humma inn? ur?du l-?Umrah.

All? humma inn? ur? du l-?Umrata fa yassirh? l? wa taqabbalh? Minn?. 

‘O Allah, here I am to perform Umrah.

O Allah, I intend to perform Umrah.

O Allah, I intend to perform Umrah, so make it easy for me and accept it from me.’


  • Recite Talbiyah to Validate: Once you make your Niyyah, you should not miss to recite the Talbiyah. Talbiyah validates your state of Ihram and your Niyyah. When stepping inside the Holy Mosque, remember to recite –


“Labbayka Ll?humma labbayk, labbayka l? shar?ka laka labbayk, inna l-?amda wa n-ni?mata, laka wa l-mulk, l? shar?ka lak.”

“At Your service, Allah, at Your service. At Your service, You have no partner, at Your service. Truly all praise, favour, and sovereignty are Yours. You have no partner.”

  • Recite Talbiyah to Validate: Once you make your Niyyah, you should not miss to recite the Talbiyah. Talbiyah validates your state of Ihram and your Niyyah. When stepping inside the Holy Mosque, remember to recite – 

“Labbayka Ll?humma labbayk, labbayka l? shar?ka laka labbayk, inna l-?amda wa n-ni?mata, laka wa l-mulk, l? shar?ka lak.”


“At Your service, Allah, at Your service. At Your service, You have no partner, at Your service. Truly all praise, favour and sovereignty are Yours. You have no partner.”

Why Choose Packages Before Starting a Journey? 

As you choose to perform the sacred journey, it is very necessary to have the right knowledge of the rituals which is the most important thing. Only an experienced person can guide you to the best here. When you book your package from Umrah tour operators they send a Haji with you to guide you the best on your religious journey. Not only that, but the packages they offer also take care of everything from accommodation to Flight tickets, Visas, food, etc. At Adeeba Tour and Travels, we ensure that every pilgrim gets to perform the blessed journey into the Holy Land of Allah (SWT) only to attain the infinite blessings of the Almighty Allah (SWT).

Where to Find the All-inclusive Packages? 

If you are someone from Kolkata and want to perform your next journey with ease and peace of mind, then you can choose Adeeba Tour and Travels. We are the pilgrimage Tour Operators planning Umrah, Ziyarat, and Hajj for thousands of Pilgrims every year. We provide all categories of Packages from Cheap to Luxury, even with us you have the freedom to customize your package that suits and meet your demands. You can visit our site to get the details of our low price umrah packages, or can directly call us at our helpline number to know more about the packages.


As the season of Hajj is coming, if you are ready to make your journey this year, then remember to make Niyyah before you step inside the holy Mosque and start the rituals. Till now you got the idea of how important it is to make Niyyah before every act you intend to perform.

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