What are the rewards of praying at the Mosque?

The Significance of Mosque Attendance in Islamic Practice

For the believers of the Muslim faith, it is true that the prayers do play a significant role in the daily lives to seek mercy and also forgiveness from the Almighty Allah (SWT). This leads to the core belief of the fact that the mosque also play the most significant part in shaping the core belief of a person. Almost all religions do have the definite type of the place to worship and this is also the reason why there is so much attachment of the Muslims towards the Almighty Allah (SWT) when they do attend the conglomerate prayers at the mosques. 

The deeper level of the attachment that gets associated with the messenger of Allah (SWT) does also deepen the bond to acquire the blessings in all spheres of life. As per the sayings of the old Islamic tradition, it is true that the first mosque was built by the famous Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and since then there has been the core expansion of the varied types of mosques almost everywhere. 

Why do the Muslims pray at the mosque daily? 

To abide by the religious faith, it is obligatory for Muslims to have the urge to visit the mosques and also amalgamate to grant the blessings from the Almighty Allah (SWT). Also, attending the prayers at the mosque does also provides much of the relief and develops the faith in the Creator, and makes them remain more faithful towards the religion. 

How can one be more attached to the mosque? 

To develop the urge, all you need is the desire to pacify the Lord and also seek the blessings for all the wrong-doings in life. To also possess the praying or even serving the Lord in the community, there is the need to visit the mosques. For any of believer who wishes to maintain the deeper level of the connection with the messenger of Allah (PBUH), there shall be the embodiment of the self-desire to pray at the mosque daily.

What are the rewards for praying at the mosque? 

For the believers of the Muslim faith, there are special rewards that one does perceive through the enactment of the daily prayers at the mosque, which are as follows: 

  • You do get the perfect light on the day of the judgment: When prayers are done at the mosque, you get to purify yourself and this also makes you attain the rewards on the final day of the Judgement. 
  • You develop loyalty towards your own religion: With the conduct of the daily prayers, there is the chance for you to be more religious and serve Allah with more sincerity. 
  • You do become more devoted towards Allah (SWT): As more and more you make yourself occupied with the thoughts of Allah (SWT) amid the busy schedule of your life, you can be more attached to the Creator. 
  • You are always protected from the angels: From any of the sins that might get conducted knowingly or unknowingly, the angels always guide you in all that you do. 
  • You do get double rewards from Allah (SWT): With the conglomerate prayers that are done in the Mosques on Fridays, you have the chance of attaining the double rewards from the Almighty Allah (SWT).
  • You are always forgiven by the Creator: When the prayers are done with sincerity, it is true that you are always forgiven for all the wrongdoings that is done unintentionally.
  • You do attain eternal peace which is mandatory: In the present life, the attainment of mental peace has been obligatory which is attained through the daily prayers
  • You do perceive protection on the day of Resurrection: As the afterlife of death is very uncertain it is true that through the daily prayers, Allah (SWT) is pleased enough to protect you on the day of resurrection.
  • You are always guided against Satan: With daily prayers, you always get the protection from the evil eye of Satan.
  • You possess the chance of entering the domain of Paradise: With more and more prayers that are done, it is true that there is more of the chance to enter into the domain of Paradise, with the blessings of Allah (SWT).


Prayers do have the most beneficial impact especially when it is done at the premises of the mosque. This leads to the attainment of salvation and also purifies the soul completely.

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