What are the ways to abide by the commands of Allah?

For Muslims across the globe, it is true that there is a mandatory need to abide by the norms only to please both the messenger of Allah (SWT) and also to boost the urge to cater to the needs and demands of the Islamic faith. As per the sayings of Prophet Muhammad,

If you need to love Allah (SWT), then do follow his commands to gain eternal peace[SAHIH BUKHARI, BOOK 10]

One of the main aspects of a believer is to develop the core areas of understanding of gaining eternal peace all throughout their lives. In order to possess infinite faith and obey the commands of the messenger of the Creator, you do need to maintain some of the definite types of protocols simply to gain the blessings of Allah (SWT). You do also need to follow the pathway of righteousness simply to attain all the infinite blessings and also to abide by the preaching’s stated in the Quran, effectively.

It has been preached in the Quran by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) that he, who repents and also seeks the blessings of the Lord even after committing sins, is gracefully welcomed by the Almighty Allah (SWT) and also gains mercy from the same Creator. [SAHIH BUKHARI: BOOK5] 

What does the obedience to Allah mean? 

Since the act of obeying others does begin from a very early age, it is also true that there is the mandate need to obey the commands of the Creator in the most diligent way. With this, you can rest assured of gaining a higher level of eternal peace and also the direct gate-away of entering into the domain of Paradise. Amid the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it is mandatory to surrender oneself to the hands of the Almighty Allah (SWT), for a lifetime and more. 

What are the ways to abide by the commands of Allah (SWT)? 

As per the verse-80 of the Holy Quran, it is said that if any of the believers obey to the commands of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), then he/she does automatically get one step closer to the Creator of all. With obedience, there also comes the free will of adhering to surrender to the will of the Lord. Also do have the patience and also the perseverance to withstand all the negative aspects of your life. Here are some of the ways to get closer to the Almighty Allah (SWT) in the most benevolent manner by being more obedient to his commands, respectively:

  • Obey the commands of your parents is also a mandate in the Islamic faith: Since the beginning of time, we have been instructed by the elders to be respectful to the elders as this shall also lead us to gain salvation at the end of time. In the current times, it is true that it is very vital to perceive all the needs and also bestow the required care and affection towards the same. 
  • Always follow the path of righteousness: This is also true that in every aspect of your life, you do need to follow the right path and also maintain a true relation with the Almighty. Never do anything that is hurtful and also maintain the designated line of virtue to gain infinite blessings from the same. 
  • Pray sincerely even when you don’t need HIM: When it comes to prayer, it is true that you don’t need to pray when you only need something from the creator of all. In fact, it is true that with the possession of the Islamic faith and the virtues within your mind, you do need to maintain the core belief of sharing your own thoughts and sorrows on the regular basis to simply rebuild your relation with him. 
  • Learn to forget and also forgive: As we believe that Allah (SWT) does always forgive the ones who do him wrong, it is true that you must also be able to carry a big heart and mend things right. 


It’s time to possess the urge to being true to oneself and also getting one step closer to the Almighty Allah (SWT) and also to his messenger (PBUH) by abiding by the commands and maintaining the deeper level of the bond with Him for a lifetime and more.

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