Why is it important to remember Allah eternally

November 30, 2021

For any of the Muslims, it is true that the rise of the Creator has been much more significant as there is the development of the Islamic faith that gets rejuvenated. In the case of the Islamic faith, you do have the privilege of offering Ibadat to the Creator of all as we do bring you the cheapest Umrah package from Kolkata and hence this also leads the pathway to blemish all the sins that you have once committed in your life, both knowingly or unknowingly. When there is much of the devotion that is being bestowed to the Almighty Allah (SWT) there is much of the relevance that between the believer and with that of the Lord. It has often been believed that there are more of the times when we remember the Creator when we are always engulfed with happiness but during the trying times, it is also our duty to withstand the sorrow, pain and also develop the bond with the messenger of Allah (PBUH). 

What has the Prophet said about recalling Allah (SWT)? 

According to the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), “Recognize and also acknowledge Allah in times of ease and prosperity, and He will remember you in times of adversity”. [SAHIH BUKHARI, BOOK 19]. This means that for any of the believer, it has been the duty of the same to recall the Creator whenever there is the chance of the same to gain the blessings of the Lord at times of despair. 

Remembrance of Allah- an act of Dhikr in Islam: Know the details 

When there is the need to supplicate to the Lord for all the wrong-doings, then it is the prerogative of the believer to outpour all his feelings even when times runs through thick and thin. Gain much of the proximity with the Creator through the umrah package 2021 Kolkata. According to the verses of the Quran, it is true that unlikely some of the regular deeds that is being done, the act of recalling Allah (SWT) must also be made to co-exist in the parallel way. Through this, you not only get to create the bond with the Creator, but at the same time there is the chance of attaining internal peace and content within your soul, through the devotion that is being projected to the Almighty of all. 

What is the importance of remembering Allah (SWT)? 

It is certainly believed that through the depiction of the gratitude and also sense of belonging to the Lord, we can be able to reach the higher level of sensing the infinite purity and also connectivity with the messenger of Allah (PBUH). Also, it is true that since Allah (SWT) is considered to be the supreme power of all the things that has been created, hence when you do recall him on the daily basis, there is much of the sanctity that is attained and also the self-contemplation of being judging oneself with the good deeds that is to be done at every time of the hour. 


Amid the hustle bustle of the daily life, we have been too busy to stay connected with the Almighty Allah (SWT) in our prayers, but it needs to be the main priority of our life to always sense him and pray to him even when we don’t need him. This shall also lead to the growth of the self-peace and the attainment of the acknowledge to overpower all our rational thoughts that does lead us to commit any of the wrong deeds. Reach out to the umrah tour operators to develop the eternal bond to strive to enter Paradise on the final Day of Judgment. 

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