Umrah is a beautiful
and important Islamic practice after Hajj. It is a holy pilgrimage to Mecca
that can be undertaken at any time of the year. Umrah or the lesser pilgrimage
gives calmness to the mind and purity to the soul. It is undertaken to
breakfree from the worldly things and get closer to the Almighty.
upon when Umrah is undertaken, it is of two types:
– This
type of Umrah can be performed at any time of the year except while performing
Hajj. It is in no way related to the rituals associated with Hajj and can be
undertaken independently.
are the steps mentioned that one needs to follow in sequence while performing
Wearing the Ihram: It is compulsory for people residing in Mecca
to wear the Ihram and those who do not reside in Mecca can go to any of the
five Miqats; Miqat Qarn al-Manazil, Miqat Yalamlam, Miqat Dhat ‘Irq, Miqat
al-Juhfah, Miqat Dhu al-Hulayfah.
Tawaf: One should go around the Kaaba seven times
Salat al-tawaf: This prayer has two rak’as.
Sa’yee: One must walk 7 times between the mountains of al-Safa
and al-Marwa.
After completing Salah and making Dua, it is compulsory to drink
the water of Zamzam which is available around the Tawaf area and various water
fountains and dispensers in Masjid al-Haram.
Taqsir or Halq: The pilgrim is free to choose between halq
(shaving the head) or taqsir (cutting some hair)
ul-Tamattu – Unlike Umrah-ul-Mufradah, Umrah ul-Tamattu’ is performed
only during the months of Hajj, a few days before the start of Hajj. The word
Tamattu means to enjoy. Therefore, an individual who performs this Hajj enjoys
both Umrah and Hajj together. Also, after the successful performance of this
particular Umrah, a person is able to go back home and enjoy life without
having to perform Ihram once again for Hajj.
are the steps mentioned that one needs to follow in sequence while performing
Wearing the ihram: People undertaking this Umrah are required to
wear the Ihram from the miqat.
Tawaf: One should go around the Kaaba seven times anti-clockwise
Salat al-tawaf : This prayer has two rak’as and should be
performed behind Maqam Ibrahim
Sa’yee: One must walk 7 times between the mountains of al-Safa
and al-Marwa.
After completing Salah and making Dua, it is compulsory to drink
the water of Zamzam which is available around the Tawaf area and various water
fountains and dispensers in Masjid al-Haram.
Taqsir or Halq: The pilgrim is free to choose between halq
(shaving the head) or taqsir (cutting some hair). It includes the exit from the
ihram and everything that was prohibited during ihram.
Performing Umrah is an
important practice in Islam. Anybody planning to undertake this pilgrimage needs
to be mentally ready and physically fit. Only then can the person perform Umrah